Class Resources:
UA Resources
- Research Guide for EN 102/103: http://guides.lib.ua.edu/en102
- UA Library Starter on Game Design: Link
- Sanford Media Center: The Sanford Media Center (SMC) is an on-campus resource located on the main floor of the Gorgas Library. You can get more information here: https://www.lib.ua.edu/using-the-library/sanford-media-center/
- UA Librarians: The librarians in the Gorgas library are available and ready to help you dive into your research. They will work with our class specifically to help you with best practices for research, and are available to help you on a one-on-one basis. You can either email them to setup a meeting, or you can stop by his/her office in Gorgas and see if they are free.
WordPress Resources:
- Word to HTML converter (for keeping your formatting more precise).
Design Resources:
Game Design
- Possible Game Engines: Unity and Unreal Engine
- Excellent Unity3D Tutorials
- Twine (a node-based storytelling software)
- Adam Hammond’s (Amazing) Twine Tutorial
- Twine “Cookbook” (shortcuts for styalistics)
- UA Library Starter on Game Design: Link
- The 13 Basic Principles of Game Design by Matt Allmer: Link
Visual Design
- Beginning Photoshop Tricks
- How to Retouch an Image
- Photoshop Tutorials
- Creative Commons Search (Royalty Free Images)
- Morguefile Free Images
Video Design
Adobe Premiere Tools:
iMovie Resources: