Welcome to EN 307!

Press Start: Writing for Games

Play the Game

We’ll have fun, and start to unpack the ideas and craft behind what makes games ‘fun’ in the first place.

Join a Party

We’ll work together in a project-oriented environment, learning essential cooperation, communication, and professional skills.

Explore the Worlds

We’ll learn about the professional world of game writers and designers, and prepare ourselves for futures in these spaces.

A course in applied creative writing.

Welcome, investigators, to EN 307! This course, as you now know, is structured as an adventure game—and you are invited to ‘play the course’ much like you would any other designed, rule-based experience. In order to succeed in this game, you’ll need to know the rules and components, and this guide will help you!

Class Information:

Instructor: PS Berge
Email: psberge@crimson.ua.edu

Office Hours: Tuesdays, 12-2:00pm @ Java City (first floor of Gorgas), by appointment or ritual summoning.


If you’re ready for a new game, the Adventurer’s Handbook will prepare you for everything coming your way! 

New Game

Already on your way? Use this tab to pick up from the last world you left off in. 

Load Game

Digital tools, on-campus resoruces, and free software to make your experience as easy as possible. 


Side Quests are where you can learn, grow, and adventure outside the limitations of your destined questline. Be ready!

Are you ready for an adventure?